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03.06.2016 - 18.08.2016
Galeria Arsenal

Elektryczna 13, Białystok

Curators: Jadwiga Sawicka, Magdalena Godlewska-Siwerska

NEW ILLUSTRATIONS is a show about relations between visual arts and science, literature, philosophy, theater, film and fashion.
Equally important is the theme of artists inspired by other artists’ work or personality or art theory; this often requires adapting a new medium.
We would like to focus on relations between image and text— literary or scientific— text and film, photography and music etc. Such correspondences might seem far-fetched at times, but the common thread is a fascination, a need to start a conversation across the boundaries of disciplines.
The title word illustrations is used in a very broad sense: it implies responding with images, sounds or movement to ideas that might be shared by very different artistic personalities. Relations between art forms are bound to be complex and ambiguous. When literary texts and esoteric philosophical doctrines, art theories or scientific hypotheses intermingle with images and sounds, the consequence might be chaos but of an invigorating kind. New, more intuitive interpretations may appear; one may feel encouraged to experiment, for instance translating from the visual into the auditory and vice versa. Multisided inspirations may result in multilevel conversations in multiple languages.
Also important is the educational aspect of the exhibition: the conversation continues, as each piece and theme in the show is expected toprovide a stimulus to workshops and other interactive activities on various levels. Thus, work created in response to another art form, becomes in turn a starting point for yet another creative act.
Our goal is to demonstrate the diversity of contemporary art and to facilitate interpretations of art forms by means of e.g. movement, sound or image.
Artists: Tymek Borowski, Piotr Bosacki, Karolina Breguła, Izabela Chamczyk, Attila Csörgő, Aleksandra Czerniawska, Małgorzata Dmitruk, Aleksandra Gontarz, Izabella Gustowska, Małgorzata Jabłońska, Łukasz Jastrubczak, Ewa Juszkiewicz, Lila Kalinowska, Barbara Kasprzycka, Szymon Kobylarz, Paweł Matyszewski, Marzanna Morozewicz, Jacek Niegoda, Zbigniew Oksiuta, Paulina Ołowska, Agnieszka Piksa, Dorota Podlaska, Agnieszka Polska, Magdalena Rej, Jadwiga Sawicka, Grzegorz Sztwiertnia, Paweł Susid,Jacek Świdziński, Leon Tarasewicz, Krzysztof Topolski, Karolina Wiktor, Zorka Wollny, Julita Wójcik, studenci Wydziału Sztuki Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
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